본문 바로가기


A company that connects the present, and future of environmental business

“We will practice eco-friendly green management
and take the lead in solving environmental pollution problems through waste resource recycling”

Major business

  • 건설폐기물 수집·운반,  중간처리

    Collection and transport of construction waste, intermediate treatment

    Based on excellent technology, we have the best construction waste treatment capacity in Korea.

  • 순환골재 생산 판매

    Production and sales of recycled aggregate

    We are leading the recycling era with the best quality recycled aggregate comparable to natural aggregate.

  • 소각사업 스팀생산

    Steam production for incineration business

    We present a vision for the renewable energy business, such as supplying energy to areas nearby through waste heat generated during the incineration process.

  • 사업장 지정 및 일반폐기물  수집 ∙운반 최종처분(매립)

    Designation of workplace and final disposal of general waste collected and transported (landfill)

    We are improving the efficiency of landfill waste management through thorough eco-friendly follow-up management after waste landfill.